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I recently had the misfortune to try Butterfish at a restaurant in Vivocity (Singapore).

Why misfortune? Read the effects of consumption here.

Pretty gross right?

This fish is banned in Japan and Italy. If I had my way, I wish it was banned in Singapore too! Or at least, all menus with it should come with a very big warning so that consumers will be aware of the after effects of eating this not-that-fantastic fish.

I just came across an interesting video by Walt Disney in 1946 on the topic of menstruation. It’s pretty well-made and informative and I do think it will make a good video to teach young girls about this topic. =) 

If your kid just had her first period, why not watch the video with them?

Click here to go straight to the youtube page.

I got this interesting piece of news from my rss feed today:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Two separate teams of researchers announced on Tuesday they had transformed ordinary skin cells into batches of cells that look and act like embryonic stem cells — but without using cloning technology and without making embryos.


Hopefully this breakthrough would mean that the current debate about moral and ethical issues would become irrelevant. Anyway, do go read that link. There’s not alot of scientific jargon so it should be an easy and informative read.